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How to get started on a Whole-Food, Plant-Based Diet

 So, you decided you want to get started on changing your life and taking control of your health, but you have no idea where to even begin eating this way. Well, I am here to help! Just follow the guidelines below and you will find how easy it is. 

If you haven't already, I suggest you watch one of the Plant-Based Documentaries that are available pretty much everywhere-Youtube, Netflix, Hulu, Prime Video, etc. Most are free to watch. They will give you an abundance of info and also motivate you to get going!


Reduce your intake of Dairy. 

This one is hard for a lot of people, and I understand you love your cheese (I did too!), but it is so worth it in order to get healthy. There are cheese alternatives you can easily make that are absolutely delicious! If you really have a hard time giving it up, I recommend reading the book called: The Cheese Trap, by Neil Barnard. 

Substitute your Dairy milk with plant-based milk, such as, Almond, Oat, Cashew, Coconut, Rice, or Soy. They are delicious!


Reduce your intake of Animal Protein & Increase your intake of Fruits & Vegetables

Animal protein and fish are greatly reduced when switching over to a Whole-Food, Plant-Based Lifestyle. 

Begin by removing animal protein from your lunch and adding a Plant-Based protein such as Beans, Seeds, Nuts, or Quinoa. 

Then the next day, remove it from Dinner, then eventually, none at all. You will be shocked at how easy it is to do and you taste buds change by eating this way, so food will taste amazing to you and you won't miss the meat. 

Step 3:

Embrace whole grains

Carbs get a bad rep. Not all carbs are created equal. You want to eat carbs that come in their whole and natural state. That means, bananas, squash, potatoes, brown rice, whole-wheat pasta, whole-grain breakfast cereal, whole wheat bread, green peas, & corn. 

These foods are delicious, filling, and high in fiber and nutrients that will keep you feeling fuller longer. 

Embrace whole grains, but avoid processed grains, such as anything that is listed as having enriched wheat flour, crackers, chips, pretzels, and cookies. 


Consume healthy fats

Before transitioning to a WFPB lifestyle, you were likely getting your fats from animal protein and dairy. Now you will get your fat from nuts, nut butter, seeds, and avocados. (the good fats) 

It is highly recommended you avoid ALL oils, even the so-called healthy ones, like Olive, Grapeseed, etc. There is no such thing as Healthy oil. They all clog your arteries and are nothing but fat. The bad kind of fat at that. You can saute' your veggies in vegetable broth, water, or nothing at all if you have a good non-stick pan. 

Step 5:

Increase your plant protein

Plants have protein! Yes, I know, it seems crazy, but it's true! Vegetables have protein, but the highest amount of protein will come from beans, lentils, quinoa, and peas. Throw some beans in your salads, make a soup, a chili, or a bean burger. 

There you have it!! It is really not hard to stick to once you get going. Once you see how great you will feel, you will never want to go back to the chemically-laden foods that caused your health problems in the first place!