Handy Chart to have
Avoid Mucus

Do Prescription Drugs really work?
you ever wondered why pharmaceuticals don't work? By that, I
mean that they don't make people healthier. Sure, some
pharmaceuticals can modify a measurable chemical marker, but
they don't make people healthier. We have 40 percent of the
U.S. population on at least one prescription drug, yet our
nation shows skyrocketing rates of all sorts of chronic
diseases, like cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes,
Alzheimer's disease and osteoporosis. If pharmaceuticals
work to make people healthier, we should be the
healthiest nation on the planet. We have people here
taking more drugs than any other nation in the world. The
older you get in this society, the more drugs you end up
taking. Many of our senior citizens are on a dozen
prescriptions a day, and half of those are usually
prescribed to cover up symptoms and side effects from the
first few prescriptions.
Why prescription drugs cannot cause health
So why
don't drugs work? It's because they make a promise they
can't keep. Prescription drugs make the promise -- and this
is reflected in the marketing -- that a person can engage in
a lifestyle filled with many factors that lead to chronic
disease, but by taking one pill they can break that
cause-effect chain and not experience the disease that would
normally result. If drug propaganda were true, you could
live a lifestyle that promotes heart disease by eating
saturated fats while avoiding cardiovascular exercise, and
the drug could prevent you from experiencing heart disease.
All you have to do is take these drugs, says Big Pharma.
diseases are brought on by causes, not by sheer luck or a
deficiency in synthetic chemicals. This is a very simple
concept, but it escapes most thinking in conventional
medicine. These diseases have many causes, and some are
dietary. There are metabolic disruptors in most foods --
hydrogenated oils, sodium nitrite, saturated animal fats and
homogenized milk fats. When you consume these
disease-causing ingredients, you will experience certain
results. Consuming unhealthy foods and avoiding healthy
oils, like salmon oil, can lead to heart disease, nervous
system dysfunction, birth defects and many other problems.
then a prescription drug comes along and promises that you
can be disease-free regardless of the causes you have set
into motion in your own life. These prescriptions are really
marketed as magic bullet pills. "You have high cholesterol?
Don't worry about it! Take this cholesterol-lowering pill --
this statin drug -- and you will have normal cholesterol!"
This implies that you will achieve a state of high
cardiovascular health -- a promise that is, of course, a
lie. You are no healthier than before, even though certain
measurable markers of your biochemistry may have been
artificially altered. Your biochemistry has been hacked.
is not health, folks. It is worse than giving the patient
nothing, because in this case, by giving the patient this
pill, you have implied that this is all they need. In fact,
what you have done is stolen from them the power to take
responsibility for their health outcome. You have created a
biochemical crutch, and you have denied the patient their
right to walk down their own healing path and make lasting
changes to their cardiovascular health.
Healthy lifestyle decisions make healthy people
essence, pharmaceuticals don't work because they violate the
laws of cause and effect that operate in our universe. One
combination of synthetic chemicals can't undo decades of
lifestyle choices. Every time you choose to exercise instead
of sitting on the couch, or choose to get some natural
healthy sunlight instead of avoiding it (causing vitamin D
deficiency in your body), you cause momentum in one
direction or another. If you do this year after year, you
can go in the direction of disease or in the direction of
health and longevity.
If you
have been heading down the path of chronic disease, you can
change that momentum. First, you have to slow the momentum
and create a vector moving in the direction of health. That
will not make you healthy overnight. Over a period of time,
the progression of disease will stop. Then, you have to
maintain a healthy lifestyle that includes healthy eating
and exercise. Only then will you reverse this momentum and
start heading down the path to good health. By doing this,
you can leave behind a past that may have included obesity,
diabetes or Alzheimer's.
quickly this momentum shifts depends on your age, but mostly
it depends on what you choose to do. Let's say you decide to
start with one vitamin pill a day. Is that going to reverse
your momentum? I don't think so. Even though you are taking
that one vitamin, you are probably still poisoning your body
with cancer-causing foods found in the national food supply.
It's going to take shifting many habits and daily health
choices to reverse decades of disease-promoting activity.
Perhaps because that task seems daunting, the promise of
pharmaceuticals is quite seductive. They promise that you
can change your health without changing anything else.
Unfortunately, many people believe this. They recognize that
they are going down the path of chronic disease, but they
mistakenly think a magic little pill made by a
profit-seeking drug company can somehow reverse disease.
reality, most prescription drugs have side effects that
accelerate the progression of disease in the body. For
example, statin drugs interfere with the production of
coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), which is essential for powering the
mitochondria in your cells. When deficient in CoQ10, you
will experience health problems at the cellular level, all
throughout your body.
Natural health is real science
strange thing is that pharmaceutical companies are backed by
so-called scientific evidence. In conventional medicine,
FDA-approved drugs are sold to patients with these so-called
scientific claims. And yet even FDA-approved prescription
drugs somehow kill around 100,000 patients in the United
States each year. That is a statistic that comes out of
conventional medicine published in The Journal of the
American Medical Association. (Many in the alternative
community believe those numbers are low estimates, by the
way.) So how scientific can drug safety be if these approved
drugs are killing more Americans than wars, terrorists, car
accidents, murders and industrial accidents combined?
face it: The current pushing of drugs onto the population
isn't scientific; it's just great marketing combined with
political arm-twisting by Big Pharma. When it comes to
health, the real science is hidden in nature. And yet,
ironically, defenders of conventional medicine say that
natural health is unscientific. They say that you are
wasting your money if you take vitamins or nutritional
supplements. They say forget about eating raw foods and
fresh plants. "That is not proven," they say. They say that
the healing value of human touch has no scientific proof
whatsoever. Just stick with the pharmaceuticals, they say.
why would they say these things?
Organized medicine won't make any money if you choose
methods other than drugs to treat your disease or enhance
your health. Every patient that gets healthy is another lost
customer to organized medicine. This whole philosophy of
circling the wagons and defending prescription drugs --
which is adhered to by most medical doctors, medical schools
and certainly the FDA -- protects the profits generated by
pharmaceuticals, as well as the philosophy of a
corporate-controlled, chemically-regimented system of
medicine (to the exclusion of all else).
really help people heal, we should focus our health
resources on the things we can accomplish. We can reverse
chronic disease today, not by using synthetic chemicals in
our body, not by turning to chemotherapy or radiation
therapy and not by surgically removing tumors from our body
and calling it a cure. These are not solutions to health;
these are short-term methods for masking symptoms of
disease. The real answers to health are found in nature. In
nature, you will discover healing plants all around you. You
may have a plant in your back yard that protects the liver
and helps detoxify the blood.
I bet
you think it is a weed, but it's actually the dandelion
plant. You might say, "I hear you, Mike, but how do we know
that everything you are saying here is true? Where is your
science and where is your proof that nature is a better
healer than drugs and surgery?"
A simple scientific experiment: Look around and see who's healthy
Let me
invite you to look at a simple experiment here. If what
organized medicine says is true, then you should be able to
observe that people on drugs are healthy, while all the
people taking herbs and vitamins are diseased.
park your car in front of a pharmacy and watch the first 100
people you see buying drugs, then ask yourself, "Are these
healthy people?" Look at the way they walk, their energy and
their posture. Do they look healthy? Then go park your car
in front of a health food store and watch people entering
and exiting that store. Ask yourself again: Do they look
If you
do this experiment, you'll quickly find that the unhealthy
people are the ones visiting the pharmacy. The healthy
people are the ones visiting health food stores, which sell
natural health products and supplements. Through this simple
observation experiment, we can see for ourselves that
conventional medicine doesn't make people healthy. Or, at
the very least, we can say that the consumption of
prescription drugs is strongly correlated with states of
disease, while the consumption of health food store products
(natural groceries, organic produce and nutritional
supplements) is strongly correlated with the absence of
disease. And this observation holds true through many
levels: physical health, emotional health,
mental health and
spiritual health.
Speaking of experiments, we have a grand experiment going on
right now across the population. It is an experiment to see
how long the American public will put up with Big Pharma
lies, propaganda and scientific fraud while popping
prescription drugs. This experiment is being conducted under
the umbrella of so-called science, but it isn't scientific
at all. Nearly everything that conventional medicine is
telling you is fiction. They will create research and
clinical trials designed to diminish side effects and
maximize certain biochemical functions of their drugs, and
if some results turn out to be negative, they will bury
those results. The evidence they do show you has been
is what passes for "science" in the world of Big Pharma. But
the Emperor has no clothes. Under the mask of science,
there's nothing but fraud and profiteering at the core.
Another simple observation about conventional medicine
concerns the level of health of those who prescribe drugs:
The doctors. How healthy are doctors and conventional health
care workers?
hardly need to tell you that old school doctors and health
care workers are some of the least healthy people in our
society. Sadly, many old-school MDs believe their own advice
about drugs, and as a result, they suffer the effects of
conventional medicine. Obesity is rampant among traditional
doctors and health care workers, and depression and mental
health disorders affect many. They also tend to die at young
ages from heart attacks and other easily preventable health
So why
do we turn to these people for answers to our own health? It
makes no sense. If we wish to be healthy, we must model
individuals who are themselves healthy. A medical school
certificate has no credibility when the person holding it is
clearly diseased. Health is not an intellectual exercise, it
is a life experience. If you can't be healthy yourself, you
have no right talking to others about their health. (But
doctors are "licensed" by state health regulators who don't
even take into account the health of health care providers.)
Discard the outdated philosophy of conventional medicine
whole point of this exploration is that if you are going to
be healthy, you have to start by shattering old
dysfunctional belief systems that have been pounded into
your head by the media and mainstream medicine. You have to
replace those with new beliefs that serve you better.
It is
your choice what you wish to believe. If you want to believe
prescription drugs are the only things that are
scientifically proven, and if you want to believe that
medical schools are teaching doctors how to be healthy, then
you are welcome to believe that. But don't be surprised at
the result you get: A future of pain, suffering, chronic
disease, medical bankruptcy and lots of prescription drugs.
You will end up on so many prescription drugs that you will
need a machine that beeps to remind you when to take a pill,
because your brain won't even work properly (brain fog is a
common side effect of many prescription drugs).
instead, you can choose to believe that the human body
already has a blueprint of health. The most powerful healing
system in the world is inside you right now. All you need to
do is stop poisoning your body and mind with chemicals,
toxic foods and toxic personal care products. Turn to
nature, which provides nutrition and medicine in the form of
edible plants. Avoid all factory foods, processed foods and
restaurant foods. Drink water, not milk. Get a daily dose of
sunshine. Take whole food supplements and healthy fish oils
to boost your daily nutritional intake. And exercise, of
can choose this path. And if you've already starting walking
down that path, you can probably find ways to accelerate the
results. Find ways to make the right health decisions from
this day forward -- decisions based on nature, not the junk
science promoted by Big Pharma, the FDA and conventional
Article by Natural News
Chronic Disease,
Heart Disease,
Prescription Drugs

Caffeine: Cup of Pain
Great article. I used to drink a ton of Coke and Pepsi with seemingly no side effects, or so I thought. Now, just drinking as little as one 20 oz bottle will give me all sorts of aches and pains, headaches, and restlessness. All I have to do to get rid of the pain is stop drinking it. Worth the time to read this article. Maybe, just maybe the source of YOUR pain is caffeine. Try and not drink any for a day or two and see if you notice any difference. I noticed my pain going away in one day. I can drink one small cup of coffee in the morning, but the Caffeinated Sodas really make me feel horrible.


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