Vegan Alternatives to Collagen

 A List of Vegan Alternatives To Collagen   

Click on link above to see the list

Another excellent reason to go Plant Based!! Most, if not all Collagen supplements are derived from animals, so if you are Vegan or Plant based, (or even if you aren't) then you are doing more harm than good in taking them,  BUT, take can get a lot of Natural Collagen from eating your beans, nuts, seeds, legumes, etc. Yes, food does pretty much have all we need to live a long, and very healthy life. I call it "Food as Medicine". So hard to believe isn't it, that we can heal and prevent many ailments by what we put into our mouths? It took me quite a while to grasp this concept, UNTIL I tried it for myself.  By eating this way, my bleeding ulcer disappeared (this after the Dr told me that there was "no way" I could cure it unless I had surgery) Ha, I showed him!!! 😉 Also my joint pains disappeared almost immediately. I was sold from day 1! Not to mention how great I felt and the weight finally came off after trying every diet and weight loss gimmick known to man!! 

If you are considering going Plant Based, read the article on here entitled "How to get started on a Whole-Food-Plant-Based diet". It gives you some really good tips. And don't worry about whether or not you are getting enough Collagen...if you eat right, you are!! 


 As some of you may have noticed, I have much less products listed on here. The reason is, I wanted to list only those that are top sellers. If there is something that you are looking for, please feel free to let me know and I will do my best to get it for you. 

Change is not always good, but in this case, I feel that it is. This way, you have a lot less to search through and you can find what you need right away. Most of my products you can only get through me and this website and I offer the best possible price that I can. 

I wish all of you much health! I am here for you if you have any health related questions or are looking for a particular supplement. I appreciate all of my faithful customers!! I do sell on Ebay also, so check out parkernutrition on there. And please follow this blog for more posts!!