Nature's Prescriptions

Alkaline/Acid Food Chart

Handy Chart to keep. It's always better to have a mainly Alkaline Body.

What are GMO's ?

Excellent Video explaining what GMO's are. Only 1 minute long. Check out all his short videos.

Avoid Mucus

Handy Chart to have


Do Prescription Drugs really work?

Have you ever wondered why pharmaceuticals don't work? By that, I mean that they don't make people healthier. Sure, some pharmaceuticals can modify a measurable chemical marker, but they don't make people healthier. We have 40 percent of the U.S. population on at least one prescription drug, yet our nation shows skyrocketing rates of all sorts of chronic diseases, like cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and osteoporosis. If pharmaceuticals work to make people healthier, we should be the healthiest nation on the planet. We have people here taking more drugs than any other nation in the world. The older you get in this society, the more drugs you end up taking. Many of our senior citizens are on a dozen prescriptions a day, and half of those are usually prescribed to cover up symptoms and side effects from the first few prescriptions. 

Why prescription drugs cannot cause health

So why don't drugs work? It's because they make a promise they can't keep. Prescription drugs make the promise -- and this is reflected in the marketing -- that a person can engage in a lifestyle filled with many factors that lead to chronic disease, but by taking one pill they can break that cause-effect chain and not experience the disease that would normally result. If drug propaganda were true, you could live a lifestyle that promotes heart disease by eating saturated fats while avoiding cardiovascular exercise, and the drug could prevent you from experiencing heart disease. All you have to do is take these drugs, says Big Pharma. 

But diseases are brought on by causes, not by sheer luck or a deficiency in synthetic chemicals. This is a very simple concept, but it escapes most thinking in conventional medicine. These diseases have many causes, and some are dietary. There are metabolic disruptors in most foods -- hydrogenated oils, sodium nitrite, saturated animal fats and homogenized milk fats. When you consume these disease-causing ingredients, you will experience certain results. Consuming unhealthy foods and avoiding healthy oils, like salmon oil, can lead to heart disease, nervous system dysfunction, birth defects and many other problems.

But then a prescription drug comes along and promises that you can be disease-free regardless of the causes you have set into motion in your own life. These prescriptions are really marketed as magic bullet pills. "You have high cholesterol? Don't worry about it! Take this cholesterol-lowering pill -- this statin drug -- and you will have normal cholesterol!" This implies that you will achieve a state of high cardiovascular health -- a promise that is, of course, a lie. You are no healthier than before, even though certain measurable markers of your biochemistry may have been artificially altered. Your biochemistry has been hacked.

That is not health, folks. It is worse than giving the patient nothing, because in this case, by giving the patient this pill, you have implied that this is all they need. In fact, what you have done is stolen from them the power to take responsibility for their health outcome. You have created a biochemical crutch, and you have denied the patient their right to walk down their own healing path and make lasting changes to their cardiovascular health. 

Healthy lifestyle decisions make healthy people

In essence, pharmaceuticals don't work because they violate the laws of cause and effect that operate in our universe. One combination of synthetic chemicals can't undo decades of lifestyle choices. Every time you choose to exercise instead of sitting on the couch, or choose to get some natural healthy sunlight instead of avoiding it (causing vitamin D deficiency in your body), you cause momentum in one direction or another. If you do this year after year, you can go in the direction of disease or in the direction of health and longevity.

If you have been heading down the path of chronic disease, you can change that momentum. First, you have to slow the momentum and create a vector moving in the direction of health. That will not make you healthy overnight. Over a period of time, the progression of disease will stop. Then, you have to maintain a healthy lifestyle that includes healthy eating and exercise. Only then will you reverse this momentum and start heading down the path to good health. By doing this, you can leave behind a past that may have included obesity, diabetes or Alzheimer's.

How quickly this momentum shifts depends on your age, but mostly it depends on what you choose to do. Let's say you decide to start with one vitamin pill a day. Is that going to reverse your momentum? I don't think so. Even though you are taking that one vitamin, you are probably still poisoning your body with cancer-causing foods found in the national food supply. It's going to take shifting many habits and daily health choices to reverse decades of disease-promoting activity.

Perhaps because that task seems daunting, the promise of pharmaceuticals is quite seductive. They promise that you can change your health without changing anything else. Unfortunately, many people believe this. They recognize that they are going down the path of chronic disease, but they mistakenly think a magic little pill made by a profit-seeking drug company can somehow reverse disease.
In reality, most prescription drugs have side effects that accelerate the progression of disease in the body. For example, statin drugs interfere with the production of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), which is essential for powering the mitochondria in your cells. When deficient in CoQ10, you will experience health problems at the cellular level, all throughout your body. 

Natural health is real science

The strange thing is that pharmaceutical companies are backed by so-called scientific evidence. In conventional medicine, FDA-approved drugs are sold to patients with these so-called scientific claims. And yet even FDA-approved prescription drugs somehow kill around 100,000 patients in the United States each year. That is a statistic that comes out of conventional medicine published in The Journal of the American Medical Association. (Many in the alternative community believe those numbers are low estimates, by the way.) So how scientific can drug safety be if these approved drugs are killing more Americans than wars, terrorists, car accidents, murders and industrial accidents combined?

Let's face it: The current pushing of drugs onto the population isn't scientific; it's just great marketing combined with political arm-twisting by Big Pharma. When it comes to health, the real science is hidden in nature. And yet, ironically, defenders of conventional medicine say that natural health is unscientific. They say that you are wasting your money if you take vitamins or nutritional supplements. They say forget about eating raw foods and fresh plants. "That is not proven," they say. They say that the healing value of human touch has no scientific proof whatsoever. Just stick with the pharmaceuticals, they say.

But why would they say these things?

Organized medicine won't make any money if you choose methods other than drugs to treat your disease or enhance your health. Every patient that gets healthy is another lost customer to organized medicine. This whole philosophy of circling the wagons and defending prescription drugs -- which is adhered to by most medical doctors, medical schools and certainly the FDA -- protects the profits generated by pharmaceuticals, as well as the philosophy of a corporate-controlled, chemically-regimented system of medicine (to the exclusion of all else).

To really help people heal, we should focus our health resources on the things we can accomplish. We can reverse chronic disease today, not by using synthetic chemicals in our body, not by turning to chemotherapy or radiation therapy and not by surgically removing tumors from our body and calling it a cure. These are not solutions to health; these are short-term methods for masking symptoms of disease. The real answers to health are found in nature. In nature, you will discover healing plants all around you. You may have a plant in your back yard that protects the liver and helps detoxify the blood.

I bet you think it is a weed, but it's actually the dandelion plant. You might say, "I hear you, Mike, but how do we know that everything you are saying here is true? Where is your science and where is your proof that nature is a better healer than drugs and surgery?" 

A simple scientific experiment: Look around and see who's healthy

Let me invite you to look at a simple experiment here. If what organized medicine says is true, then you should be able to observe that people on drugs are healthy, while all the people taking herbs and  vitamins are diseased.

Go park your car in front of a pharmacy and watch the first 100 people you see buying drugs, then ask yourself, "Are these healthy people?" Look at the way they walk, their energy and their posture. Do they look healthy? Then go park your car in front of a health food store and watch people entering and exiting that store. Ask yourself again: Do they look healthy?

If you do this experiment, you'll quickly find that the unhealthy people are the ones visiting the pharmacy. The healthy people are the ones visiting health food stores, which sell natural health products and supplements. Through this simple observation experiment, we can see for ourselves that conventional medicine doesn't make people healthy. Or, at the very least, we can say that the consumption of prescription drugs is strongly correlated with states of disease, while the consumption of health food store products (natural groceries, organic produce and nutritional supplements) is strongly correlated with the absence of disease. And this observation holds true through many levels: physical health, emotional health, mental health and spiritual health.

Speaking of experiments, we have a grand experiment going on right now across the population. It is an experiment to see how long the American public will put up with Big Pharma lies, propaganda and scientific fraud while popping prescription drugs. This experiment is being conducted under the umbrella of so-called science, but it isn't scientific at all. Nearly everything that conventional medicine is telling you is fiction. They will create research and clinical trials designed to diminish side effects and maximize certain biochemical functions of their drugs, and if some results turn out to be negative, they will bury those results. The evidence they do show you has been distorted.

This is what passes for "science" in the world of Big Pharma. But the Emperor has no clothes. Under the mask of science, there's nothing but fraud and profiteering at the core. 

Another simple observation about conventional medicine concerns the level of health of those who prescribe drugs: The doctors. How healthy are doctors and conventional health care workers?

I hardly need to tell you that old school doctors and health care workers are some of the least healthy people in our society. Sadly, many old-school MDs believe their own advice about drugs, and as a result, they suffer the effects of conventional medicine. Obesity is rampant among traditional doctors and health care workers, and depression and mental health disorders affect many. They also tend to die at young ages from heart attacks and other easily preventable health problems.

So why do we turn to these people for answers to our own health? It makes no sense. If we wish to be healthy, we must model individuals who are themselves healthy. A medical school certificate has no credibility when the person holding it is clearly diseased. Health is not an intellectual exercise, it is a life experience. If you can't be healthy yourself, you have no right talking to others about their health. (But doctors are "licensed" by state health regulators who don't even take into account the health of health care providers.) 

Discard the outdated philosophy of conventional medicine

The whole point of this exploration is that if you are going to be healthy, you have to start by shattering old dysfunctional belief systems that have been pounded into your head by the media and mainstream medicine. You have to replace those with new beliefs that serve you better.

It is your choice what you wish to believe. If you want to believe prescription drugs are the only things that are scientifically proven, and if you want to believe that medical schools are teaching doctors how to be healthy, then you are welcome to believe that. But don't be surprised at the result you get: A future of pain, suffering, chronic disease, medical bankruptcy and lots of prescription drugs. You will end up on so many prescription drugs that you will need a machine that beeps to remind you when to take a pill, because your brain won't even work properly (brain fog is a common side effect of many prescription drugs).

Or, instead, you can choose to believe that the human body already has a blueprint of health. The most powerful healing system in the world is inside you right now. All you need to do is stop poisoning your body and mind with chemicals, toxic foods and toxic personal care products. Turn to nature, which provides nutrition and medicine in the form of edible plants. Avoid all factory foods, processed foods and restaurant foods. Drink water, not milk. Get a daily dose of sunshine. Take whole food supplements and healthy fish oils to boost your daily nutritional intake. And exercise, of course.

You can choose this path. And if you've already starting walking down that path, you can probably find ways to accelerate the results. Find ways to make the right health decisions from this day forward -- decisions based on nature, not the junk science promoted by Big Pharma, the FDA and conventional medicine.

Article by Natural News

Caffeine: Cup of Pain

Great article. I used to drink a ton of Coke and Pepsi with seemingly no side effects, or so I thought. Now, just drinking as little as one 20 oz bottle will give me all sorts of aches and pains, headaches, and restlessness. All I have to do to get rid of the pain is stop drinking it. Worth the time to read this article. Maybe, just maybe the source of YOUR pain is caffeine. Try and not drink any for a day or two and see if you notice any difference. I noticed my pain going away in one day. I can drink one small cup of coffee in the morning, but the Caffeinated Sodas really make me feel horrible. 

Magnesium Deficiencies

A lot of our health problems are caused by a deficiency in Magnesium.

12 Common Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms:

1. Anxiety
2. Weak Bones
3. Low Energy
4. Weakness
5. Inability to Sleep
6. PMS and Hormonal Imbalances
7. Irritability
8. Nervousness
9. Headaches
10. Abnormal Heart Rhythm
11. Muscle Tension, Spasms, Cramps
12. Fatigue

Additional Conditions/Diseases Associated with Magnesium Deficiency:

Much research has found that individuals with magnesium deficiency are at an increased risk for developing diabetes, high blood pressure, Parkinson’s, kidney stones, and restless legs syndrome, just to name a few.

How to Increase Your Magnesium:

There are several ways you can increase your magnesium:

1. Add Epsom salts to your bath or make a foot bath. Magnesium is highly absorbed through the skin (transdermally).

2. Apply magnesium Lotion 

3. Eat foods high in magnesium – such as leafy green vegetables and nuts. 

4. Take a magnesium supplement.

What is the difference between a Masticating and a Centrifugal juicer?

Centrifugal juicers are more commonplace, and in general, more affordable. They typically have an upright design in which food is pushed into a rapidly spinning mesh chamber with sharp teeth on its floor. The teeth shred the food into a pulp, and the centrifugal motion pulls the juice out of the pulp and through the mesh filter, where it is funneled out of the juicer via a spigot. In most centrifugal juicers, the pulp, once most of the juice has been pulled out, is ejected into a separate collection chamber. Centrifugal juicers work best with soft and hard fruits and vegetables, but not quite as well with leafy greens like kale or spinach, or with wheatgrass. 

 Masticating juicers, meanwhile, typically have a horizontal design in which a tube containing the auger extends out of the motorized base. Pieces of fruits and vegetables are pushed into the top of the tube, and they are crushed and squeezed by the auger. Juice drains out of the underside of the tube, while the pulp is squeezed out at the end of the tube. Because of the slower crushing and squeezing action, masticating juicers can process leafy greens and wheatgrass, and the juice that they produce will last much longer than juice made in a centrifugal juicer, which should be consumed right away as it starts losing nutrients nearly immediately.

The Top Health Benefits of Walking

I feel my best when I walk every day. Its hard some days to make myself do it, especially when the weather is too hot, too cold, raining, etc , etc. Too many excuses ! I have never walked then regretted it....not once. Quite the opposite, I always feel very glad I put my shoes on and went for that 30 min walk. I have a great 15 year old son who really encourages me to walk. Try to find someone like that, someone who will get on you to walk every single day no matter what. And you will find it so easy to increase how long you walk once you get into a regular routine. 

Walking. This is perhaps the most basic form of exercise available. It's something that mostly everyone can do, that's low impact and that's entirely pleasant. And as it happens it has immense health benefits once you start making a proper habit of it.
Introducing Walking to Your Routine

All of us walk from time to time already. Chances are you will walk at least some of the way on your journey to work (even if it's just to the tube station) and you're also likely to walk on occasion when you visit the shops or when you're looking for a way to pass the time for an afternoon.
But to get the full health benefits of walking you need to do it regularly and with purpose. Even if you only walk for fifteen minutes a day you'll see marked improvements in your overall health but the more you can get the more pronounced the benefits will be. The good news is that there are plenty of ways you can easily introduce this kind of walking into your routine too – park a little way away from the shops, get off one stop early when you ride the bus home from work, or just wake up fifteen minutes earlier and have a morning stroll while it's nice and quiet. These are simple changes that will bring you great health benefits.
And what benefits they are… Here are just a few to hopefully pique your interest in walking…
Health Benefits of Walking
Fitness: Walking might not be anywhere near as intensive as jogging but it can still have a very good impact on your health if you walk far enough, often enough and fast enough. Studies show that regularly walking can help to lower your chances of heart disease or stroke, can decrease bad (LDL) cholesterol and boost the good cholesterol. It can also help you to lose weight and to improve your overall fitness by burning energy and increasing your heart rate.
Unlike some other forms of cardiovascular exercise however, walking does not place too much strain on your body. It's unlikely to trigger any kind of attach, it doesn't jar your knees or lead to shin splints and it's unlikely to lead to injury.
Creativity: Walking has been demonstrated to help encourage creative thinking and to promote the generation of good ideas. This has been shown in a number of studies and in one it was shown that even being pushed in a wheelchair through a scenic park would be less beneficial for your creative juices than walking on a treadmill in front of a blank wall. In other words, these experiments demonstrate that it really is the actual act of walking that boosts this creativity and not the scenery (though other studies have shown that nice scenery can do that too!).
Walking has other cognitive benefits too and some studies have shown that it can help to prevent dementia. This is true of any physical activity and it turns out that regular walking (six miles a week plus) is sufficient to tap into those benefits.
Mood: Walking is great for your mood resulting in the release of mood boosting hormones and neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine similar to running.
At the same time you will also find your mood improves from being outdoors, particularly thanks to the sun. This is a good way to combat 'SAD' or 'Seasonal Affective Disorder' as the nights start getting longer.
Bone Health: Just as the sun can do wonders for your mood, so too can it help to strengthen your bones. That's because sunlight stimulates our body to produce more vitamin D which in turn regulates the absorption of calcium and phosphorous.
Further to this, walking also helps to prevent osteoporosis because it is a 'weight bearing activity'. In other words, it places pressure on our bones which stimulates them to increase their density. This is particularly important as you get older and your bones are liable to becoming more brittle.
Toning: Just as walking is sufficient to provide a basic cardio workout, it's also enough to give you some basic muscle toning benefits. The areas that stand to benefit most are the legs, bum and tum (women rejoice!) and especially if you decide to take a hike uphill.
On top of these areas though, walking is also useful for toning your arms and shoulders as these move too during your strolls. Take a look at the shoulders of Usain Bolt and you'll see just what the piston motion of the arms can do for you – though you'll see a much smaller change from lightly walking compared with Usain Bolt!
So there you have it, there are plenty of great reasons to go for a regular stroll and when you weigh the small amount of effort against the huge number of rewards it's hard for anyone to make a case against walking. What's your excuse? 
Adam Sinicki

Adam Sinicki is a full time writer who spends most of his time in the coffee shops of London. Adam has a BSc in psychology and is an amateur bodybuilder with a couple of competition wins to his name. His other interests are self improvement, general health, transhumanism and brain training. As well as writing for websites and magazines, he also runs his own sites and has published several books and apps on these topics. He lives in London, England with his girlfriend and in his spare time he enjoys climbing, travelling, playing games, reading comics and eating sandwiches.

How to Naturally Treat Shingles

Shingles can be really painful. They are characterized as viral infections that can lead to rash with blisters. Shingles can occur anywhere on the body and usually in children or young adults. Most of the time shingles appear on the right or left side of your torso as a single stripe.
The main cause for shingles is the varicella-zoster virus. It is the same virus that causes chickenpox, but doesn’t necessarily appear the same time as the original infection. It can happen decades after that. If you’ve had chickenpox, most likely you still have the virus. It lies inactive in your body and may be reactivated as shingles.
Can shingles kill you?
Fortunately shingles are not life-threatening, but they can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. The first time is always the most painful. The risk can be reduced with a vaccine, but it is best to treat it naturally in the early stages.

Natural Treatment

Appropriate treatment can lead to a short-lived outbreak. Just like normal herpes, this virus too thrives in people that have weak immune system, particularly if the ratio of L-arginine to L-lysine amino acids in a person is not appropriate. Since these amino acids come from foods, it is best to treat shingles through an appropriate diet. If your arginine levels are higher, the virus will thrive.
Eat More Foods with Lysine
Lysine rich foods are Asparagus, beans, green, pineapples, avocados, apricots, pears, apples, eggs, milk, cheese, yogurt, fish and all meats.

Avoid Foods with Arginine
Sugars, chocolate, peanuts, blueberries, blackberries, pecan, pumpkin seeds, grapes, cashews, Brussels sprouts, wheat germ and tomatoes.

You can get the capsaicin compound from eating cayenne or chili pepper. It helps reduce the pain generated from shingles by blocking the pain signals from the nerves. You can get capsaicin through ointments. Apply the ointment on your shingles spots 4-5 times daily.

Cat’s Claw Extract
Find this extract and take 1,000 milligrams three times a day. It has anti-inflammatory and antiviral actions.

If you want the best antiviral properties, consume garlic. You can also take garlic extract in the form of capsules. Take 2 capsules twice a day. However, it is best to mince garlic cloves and introduce them to your favorite dish.

Lemon balm
Also known as melissa, the lemon balm has anti-herpes properties due to the compounds known as polyphenols. Some say that this is the best herbal treatment for shingles. Apply lemon balm tea on your spots by mixing 2-4 teaspoons per coup in boiling water.

Reishi Mushroom Extract
This extract stimulates immune system and helps fight infections. 500 milligrams three times a day are enough to fight this herpes virus.

Source: Daily Nutrition News

High Cost of Energy Drinks

Study Shows Energy Drinks Can Be Harmful

 (NaturalNews) It seems energy can be found everywhere these days. Energy in a can, energy in a cup, energy in a bottle. . .Wherever it is, people are looking for it because, well, we seem to be lacking it. Generally speaking, synthetic energy enhancement can have some long-term health consequences, one of which is a dependence on whatever substance it is that's giving you that extra boost. In fact, new research from Wayne State University says that one of the most popular - and easy to find - energy enhancers can pose health risks to people with heart conditions: energy drinks.

I'm sure you've seen these energy drinks. According to researchers, popular energy drinks like Red Bull cause the heart rate to race at rates dangerous for people with heart conditions like heart disease.

 Researchers found that within four hours of drinking various energy drinks, the 15 participants' blood pressure rates and heart rates increased approximately 10 percent for the systolic rate, 8 percent for the diastolic rate and heart rates increased 11 percent. Researchers note that these levels are of little importance for healthy young adults (the average age of participants was 26) but these kinds of levels can be serious for people with heart conditions. One researcher said that these results can be "clinically significant" for those who take medication to treat their heart condition as energy drinks may adversely affect heart medications' effectiveness. And while these energy drinks are often used when performing activities that require focus, heart rates increased for these participants while sedentary; such as while watching movies.

 In short, researchers advise anyone who has a heart condition to avoid energy drinks until further research is done. But you really ought to avoid these energy drinks altogether. They're loaded with caffeine, which has been linked to cancer, cardiovascular problems, extreme mood swings and dependence.

So, how do you boost your energy levels naturally? Perhaps the easiest way is to get more sleep. Granted, we all have busy schedules, but you really need at least eight hours of sleep a night to ensure that you're ripe, ready, refreshed and raring to go for the week ahead. Another way is by exercising more frequently, which has been shown to fight fatigue and boost energy levels. You can also take Omega-3 and CoQ10 supplements. These supplements enhance the fatty acids and enzymes that are already in your body. In fact, when you feel like your energy levels are especially low, it may be because your coenzyme levels are so low. A CoQ10 supplement is exactly what you need in such a situation.

 Another easy way to increase energy levels is to eat breakfast. Not eating breakfast has been directly correlated with those who feel lethargic throughout the day. The best breakfast combines complex carbohydrates (e.g. whole grain, 100 percent whole wheat bread) with quality proteins that have essential amino acids 

It's not rocket science, it's just a matter of being considerate of your health and what it takes to stay energized - the natural way.


About the author

Frank Mangano is an American author, health advocate, researcher and entrepreneur in the field of alternative health. He is perhaps best known for his book "The Blood Pressure Miracle," which continues to be an Amazon best selling book. Additionally, he has published numerous reports and a considerable amount of articles pertaining to natural health.
Mangano is the publisher of Natural Health On The Web, which offers readers free and valuable information on alternative remedies. To learn more visit:

The Amazing Benefits of Pink Himalayan Salt

With its  pink, rose-like color, Himalayan salt is visually distinctive and known for its  nutritional profile as it contains a high number of essential minerals. Himalayan salt is considered healthier than table salt because it does not contain any additives or chemicals, and is a naturally occurring substance.

Sea Salt and Detoxification

Himalayan salt has been used to help detoxify the body in the form of a brine treatment. Most commonly done in the form of a bath, brine baths purport to detoxify the body through osmosis. As the sodium binds the water to the outer layer of your skin, moisture is preserved. Toxins are released from your body, while your skin absorbs the healthy minerals from the sodium into your body. It is recommended that the brine bath be as close as possible to normal body temperature, around 97 degrees Fahrenheit, and that you use 2.2 lbs. of Himalayan salt for approximately every 26 to 32 gallons of water.


What Are the Health Benefits of Himalayan Salt?
Healthy body. Photo Credit Kraig Scarbinsky/Digital Vision/Getty Images
As a natural source of sodium, Himalayan salt provides an essential mineral for healthy bodily functions. Sodium helps to regulate blood volume and thus blood pressure, as well as helping to control muscle contractions, nerve transmissions and heart functions. Sodium can be found naturally in a number of foods, but it can also be consumed as added salt, as in the case of Himalayan salt. The daily recommended amount of sodium to be consumed daily is between 1500 mg and 2300 mg, for men and women between the ages of 9 and 50.

Mineral Content and Consumption

What Are the Health Benefits of Himalayan Salt?
Assorted coarse salts. Photo Credit Alberto Bogo/iStock/Getty Images
Himalayan salt is widely touted for its mineral content, containing 84 minerals in total. In addition to sodium, Himalayan salt is relatively high in iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium and chloride. It also contains traces of boron, fluoride, iodine, zinc, selenium and copper, all of which are necessary for bodily health. As a naturally occurring salt, Himalayan salt contains all these minerals without chemical processing or refinement. Because it is harvested naturally, Himalayan salt’s mineral benefits are available regardless of what form the salt is consumed as. Himalayan salt is most commonly found as coarse grains, fine grains, or large blocks which can be used as serving platters that delicately “season” the food they serve.


Magnesium, Your Health & Tinnitus

Calming Your Life & Tinnitus with Magnesium
by Barry Keate

Magnesium may be the most commonly deficient mineral in human nutrition. It is known as a calming or anti-stress mineral and is very important to many human functions. Magnesium is a mineral needed by every cell of the body. About half of the body’s stores are found inside cells of body tissues and organs, and half are combined with calcium and phosphorus in bone.
Only 1 percent of the magnesium in the body is found in the blood. The body works very hard to keep blood levels of magnesium constant. Because the body easily eliminates excess magnesium, toxicity is nearly unknown, although an excess can cause loose stools or diarrhea. Deficiency is quite common and can lead to muscle cramps, fatigue, irritability, and insomnia.
The key body functions of magnesium are:
  • Relaxes the muscles, including the heart;
  • Works in concert with enzymes to carry out metabolic functions, including protein synthesis, energy production, and neuromuscular function;
  • Used for anxiety, high blood pressure, poor sleep, asthma attacks, menstrual and muscle cramps, and abnormal heartbeats.
Eat Your Green Veggies
Green vegetables such as spinach provide magnesium because the center of the chlorophyll molecule contains it. Nuts, seeds, and some whole grains are also good sources of magnesium. Although magnesium is present in many foods, it usually occurs in small amounts. As with most nutrients, daily needs for magnesium cannot be met from a single food. Eating a wide variety of foods, including five servings of fruits and vegetables daily and plenty of whole grains, helps to ensure an adequate intake of magnesium. The magnesium content of refined foods is usually low. Whole-wheat bread, for example, has twice as much magnesium as white bread because the magnesium-rich germ and bran are removed when white flour is processed.
Doctors will measure blood levels of magnesium whenever a deficiency is suspected. When levels are mildly depleted, increasing dietary intake of magnesium can help restore blood levels to normal. Eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily, and choosing dark-green leafy vegetables often, as recommended by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the Food Guide Pyramid, and the Five-a-Day program, will help adults consume recommended amounts of magnesium. Magnesium tablets also may be prescribed, but some forms, in particular magnesium salts, can cause diarrhea. When in doubt, a doctor or qualified healthcare provider can recommend the best way to get extra magnesium when it is needed.

Protection of the Inner Ear
Magnesium also protects the nerves in the inner ear and is a powerful glutamate inhibitor. Glutamate is a neurotransmitter, produced by the action of sound waves on the hair cells of the inner ear. The unregulated production of glutamate at sound frequencies for which there is no external stimulation is the cause of tinnitus.
Dr. Michael Seidman, in his excellent article, “Medicines to Treat the Inner Ear” states; “Decreased blood supply causes significant stress to the nerve tissue (of the inner ear) by causing the production of free radicals. (Author’s note: The major causes of tinnitus all result in decreased blood supply.) These molecules are extremely damaging and are known to be responsible for over 100 human disorders. The accumulation of free radicals severely damages the inner ear and other tissues. Through a complex chain of events, this damage can then cause a release and accumulation of glutamate and calpains. These chemicals in high concentrations are extremely destructive to the body.
“Studies have shown that excessive glutamate may play a role in the production of tinnitus. Studies also show that glutamate antagonists can have a protective effect on the inner ear and possibly be a treatment for peripheral tinnitus, which is generated by the inner ear. Three such drugs are currently under investigation at the Henry Ford Health System for tinnitus, including magnesium.
“The protective effect of magnesium in preventing noise-induced hearing loss has been studied since it was found that magnesium in inner ear fluid decreases significantly after intense noise exposure. The results of one placebo-controlled study showed that subjects who took oral magnesium supplements displayed a significantly lower incidence of noise-induced hearing loss compared to the control group. In 1998 a highly motivated patient elected to undergo a catheter-delivered infusion of magnesium sulfate to the round window (of the inner ear). Within 60 seconds of the infusion, she experienced complete resolution of her tinnitus. This effect lasted until the flow of medication was discontinued 48 hours later.”(1) Another clinical trial of magnesium found that “Magnesium… exhibit(s) a statistically significant oto-neuro-protective action (inner ear protection) in noise-induced hearing loss and tinnitus.”(2)
Blood Pressure Reduction
Several clinical trials show magnesium has a positive effect on reducing elevated blood pressure levels. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, and stress are three of the primary aggravators of tinnitus. One study concludes, “Our meta-analysis detected dose-dependent blood pressure reductions from magnesium supplementation.”(3) Another found “. . .calcium and magnesium may represent important components in the combination diet of the DASH study. It seems that it is the combination of these nutrients that is of crucial importance for the achievement of optimal blood pressure reduction.”(4) Finally, a third study states, “These findings suggest that Magnesium supplementation prevents blood pressure elevation. . . “(5)
Magnesium is very helpful in combination with calcium. Dr. Seidman also states, “Calcium supplementation has been shown to improve tinnitus symptoms in certain patients. In conjunction with magnesium, calcium also plays a vital role in the regulation of electrical impulses in the central nervous system.”(6)
These products can be easily found on health food store shelves and are quite inexpensive. A recommended daily dosage is 400 mg of magnesium and 1,000 mg of calcium. Magnesium can be taken in therapeutic doses of up to 600 mg daily. Because magnesium causes smooth muscle relaxation, it can loosen the bowels. If this happens, reduce the dosage a little.

Fluoride Side Effects
Use Fluoride-Free toothpaste. Check out my Dental page for some good ones.

Take care of your Colon

A Properly Functioning Colon
Does Wonders For Your Body                     

•Detoxifies Your
•Removes Parasites
•Prevents Toxicity
•Aids Weight Loss
•Prevents Sickness
•Combats Intestinal
•Aids Hypertension
•Reduces Allergies
•Decreases Muscle
•Reduces Blood
•Allows Better
•Promotes Regular
Bowel Movements
•Many Many More!

Constipation – An American
Tragedy! Learning how to care for your colon should be no
more embarrassing than discussing cardiovascular health, but for far too many people it is. As such, more than 40% of all women and nearly as many men, suffer from
chronic constipation. Constipation is a sure sign that your colon is not functioning properly. If left untreated your health will suffer.
 Source: Bill Frazier

SEE our list of Colon Care Products and order today!!

Why Do We Need Supplements?

Here are some reasons why it is important  to take natural, whole food supplements:
1. Depleted Soils. Even if you eat a healthy, mainly plant-based diet with lots of fruit and vegetables, chances are good that the food comes from soils that have insufficient mineral content. The best thing to do is to buy Organic whenever possible.

2. Overcooking Our Foods. We have a bad habit of cooking our foods to death, therefore cooking out all the vital vitamins and minerals our bodies need.

3.  Normal Aging Equals Digestion Issues. As we get older we produce fewer Enzymes that are necessary for proper digestion. Eventually, this leads to Heartburn, Acid Reflux, and numerous other Stomach issues. 

4. Lots of Stress in our lives:  All of this stress takes a toll on your body and weakens your immune system. Taking supplements can help to bridge that gap and give your body some of the nutrition it needs to function optimally.

Of course, nothing will take the place of eating a good and healthy diet. But taking quality, whole food-based natural supplements can go a long way towards helping you maintain a better level of health. Besides, if you’re still working through some bad habits, you need them even more!

Are Aluminum-Containing Antiperspirants Contributing To Breast Cancer In Women?

By Dr. Mercola                                                 

The information that follows will be much different from what is often spouted from anti-cancer organizations like the American Cancer Society (ACS), as -- Unlike ACS -- I have no financial ties to both makers of mammography equipment and cancer drugs.  
My advice for cancer prevention is much more straightforward, involving simple lifestyle strategies that virtually everyone has the power to make.
All you need to become empowered to make these cancer-preventive changes is knowledge, and that is what I seek to give you by the time you finish reading this comment … I suggest you not only learn this information for your own benefit, but also share it with other women in your life as well.

Using the Wrong Antiperspirant May Influence Your Breast Cancer Risk

Putting on antiperspirant is a routine part of most people's day, and you may not think much about it. But here's why you should: if you use one containing aluminum, you could be increasing your risk of breast cancer.
Antiperspirants work by clogging, closing, or blocking the pores that release sweat under your arms -- with the active ingredient being aluminum. Not only does this block one of your body's routes for detoxification (releasing toxins via your underarm sweat), but it raises concerns about where these metals are going once you roll them (or spray them) on.
Research, including one study published this year in the Journal of Applied Toxicology, has shown that the aluminum is not only absorbed by your body, but is deposited in your breast tissue and even can be found in nipple aspirate fluid a fluid present in the breast duct tree that mirrors the microenvironment in your breast. Researchers determined that the mean level of aluminum in nipple aspirate fluid was significantly higher in breast cancer-affected women compared to healthy women, which may suggest a role for raised levels of aluminum as a biomarker for identification of women at higher risk of developing breast cancer.

Cancer-Causing Aluminum From Antiperspirant May Collect in Your Breasts

In a 2007 study published in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, researchers tested breast samples from 17 breast-cancer patients who had undergone mastectomies. The women who used antiperspirants had deposits of aluminum in their outer breast tissue. Concentrations of aluminum were higher in the tissue closest to the underarm than in the central breast.
Why is this a glaring red flag?
Aluminum is not normally found in the human body, so this study was a pretty clear sign that the metal was being absorbed from antiperspirant sprays and roll-ons. Please note that aluminum is typically only found in antiperspirants. If you are using a deodorant-only product it is unlikely to contain aluminum but might contain other chemicals that could be a concern.
Aluminum salts can account for 25 percent of the volume of some antiperspirants, and a review of the common sources of aluminum exposure for humans found that antiperspirant use can significantly increase the amount of aluminum absorbed by your body. According to the review, after a single underarm application of antiperspirant, about .012 percent of the aluminum may be absorbed.
This may not sound like much until you multiply it by one or more times a day for a lifetime, which adds up to massive exposure to aluminum -- a poison that is not supposed to be in your body, and may be more toxic than mercury. Aluminum salts can mimic the hormone estrogen, and chemicals that imitate that hormone are known to increase breast cancer risk. Animal studies have also found that aluminum can cause cancer. Aside from vaccinations, your antiperspirant may be your largest source of exposure to this poisonous metal!

You Need to be Careful with Natural Deodorants, Too

There are many brands of chemical-free, aluminum-free deodorants on the market, and many of these are safe alternatives. And as a general rule, deodorants tend to be less problematic than antiperspirants, as they work by neutralizing the smell of your sweat and by antiseptic action against bacteria, rather than by preventing sweating. As such, some deodorants do not contain any aluminum, but you've got to be careful about this. While many claim to be aluminum-free, they are referring to aluminum chlorohydrate, aluminum chloride, aluminum hydroxybromide or aluminum zirconium, which are the types most commonly used in antiperspirants and deodorants.
 Crystal Deodorant Stones, which are a popular natural deodorant alternative often used by health-conscious shoppers looking to avoid aluminum, often claim to be aluminum-free, but some actually contain a different type of compound known as an alum, the most common form being potassium alum, also known as potassium aluminum sulfate.
Potassium Alum or Ammonium Alum are natural mineral salts made up of molecules that are too large to be absorbed by your skin. They form a protective layer on your skin that inhibits the growth of odor-causing bacteria. These deodorants are recommended by many cancer treatment centers, but while this may be a better alternative to most antiperspirants and deodorants on the market, it is not completely aluminum-free.
So be sure, when choosing a natural deodorant alternative, that it truly is made of toxin-free ingredients. Aluminum is just one of them -- you can find other chemical toxins to avoid in your personal care products here.  Alternatively, just use plain soap and water. This is what I use, typically in the morning and after I exercise.
Additionally, last year I found an ever more effective strategy and that is to expose your armpits to sunshine. Essentially you tan your armpits. The UVB rays in the sunlight are highly effective germicidal agents and sterilize your armpits in addition to raising your levels of vitamin D sulfate to healthy levels.   

Check out my Deodorants above (they do not have Aluminum or Alum in them).